A fraction expresses how many parts you can split a whole into. One-third (⅓), two-fifths (⅖), and three-quarters (¾) are all examples of fractions. But teaching kids this concept can be tricky, which is why fraction games are gaining popularity in the teaching aid space.
Fraction Games: Basic Concept
The core of fractions is numerators and denominators. A numerator represents parts or numbers above the line in a fraction, while the denominator lies below the line. The denominator divides the numerator, even though the former is often smaller. The following sections will analyze equivalent, proper, and improper fractions and fractions with the same numerators so that you can get a more in-depth idea of fractions.
Equivalent fractions
Equivalent fractions are equal fractions. For clarity, an equivalent fraction is a fraction whose numerator and denominator are different from other fractions but have similar proportions of a whole. You will get the same result when you reduce equivalent fractions to their simplest forms. For instance, if you break down 2/4, 3/6, and 4/8 — which are equivalent fractions — you will get ½ across the board.
Proper and Improper Fractions
A fraction can either be proper or improper. The numerator is smaller than the denominator in a proper fraction. These fractions are typically less than 1 when you place them on the number line system. For instance, if you share a pizza into ten equal parts for ten people to eat, each person will end up with one-tenth (1/10) of the pizza, which is less than one whole pizza.
A fraction is improper when the denominator is larger than the numerator. As the name implies, this is not the natural order. Improper fractions are greater than 1 on the number line system. Let’s say you are to share three cookies between two kids; instead of giving two cookies to one child, you can give them both a cookie and a half (1½, which is also 3/2). Other examples of improper fractions include 4/3, 7/2, 3/1, etc.
Fractions With Same Numerators
When fractions have the same numerators, you can share them equally. When comparing fractions with similar numerators, remember that fractions with bigger denominators are smaller than those with smaller denominators. For instance, ½ > ¼; this means that one-half is bigger than one-fourth. And you can only reasonably compare fractions when they refer to identical wholes by using symbols like > (greater than), <(less than), or = (equal to).
Fraction Games by Grades
When teaching kids about fractions, endeavor to pick lessons suitable for their grades and skills so that you do not overwhelm them. Here is a breakdown of fraction skills by Grades 3, 4, and 5. The following sections show what a child should know in the different classes.
Grade 3
When talking about fraction games for 3rd graders, always remember that teaching aids are primarily for the students to enjoy the experience. In Grade 3, your kids understand simpler concepts like counting, so ease their introduction to fractions and divisions by using games. The best games use real-life scenarios to etch the idea in children’s brains. Games that teach partitioning wholes into equal parts, matching fractions, drawing partitioned images, etc., can help children remember fraction lessons.
Grade 4
Fraction games for 4th graders should help your child understand mixed numbers and how to add and subtract fractions. The child can play fraction games like shading parts to complete models, comparing fractions using the symbols, converting mixed numbers into fractions, etc. Games can afford to be more technical by this stage, as your fourth graders begin to identify fractions without real-world representations.
Grade 5
In Grade 5, your child should be conversant with fractions. At this stage, your kids should be able to add fractions with different denominators and divide or multiply fractions, whether mixed or whole. Fraction games for 5th graders should incorporate everything from Grade 3 and 4 into Grade 5.
Are Fraction Games for Kids Good for Learning Math?
Naturally, children have a short attention span. As they grow older, they lose interest in math due to the rigid teaching methods. However, playing games can help you build your child’s passion for fractions. But if you are still undecided about how interactive fraction games can help your kids learn math, first consider how much simpler it makes your job as a teacher.
You can use simple objects in your environment like pizza, snacks, cookies, and so on to play fraction games. For instance, play a game with pizza asking your students how many equal slices you can get by sharing the pizza. Fraction games for kids don’t have to be too difficult; in fact, their value lies in making the concept of fractions more digestible for kids.
Math fraction games can help your child better understand fractions and boost their mental math skills. The games will help improve your child’s problem-solving skills and teach them the practical applications of fractions. So use everyday activities like sharing a jar of cookies amongst family members to teach your children to tackle fraction problems outside the classroom.
What skills can math fraction games improve?
Teaching fractions can be challenging, so professionals recommend using games to drive your points home. But you would incorporate these games into your teaching routine if you knew the skills they improve. So if you have kids who need to improve the following skills, you should consider getting fraction games.

With fun games to support your teaching, your students will learn to recognize the different kinds of fractions whenever they encounter them. By playing repetitive fraction games, the students will internalize the rules of fractions and their applications. With enough practice, your kid will get to the point where they can handle fraction problems unsupervised.
Cognitive skills
Fraction games can help the kids establish a link between fractions and reality. These games can help your kid develop cognitive skills, boosting memory and rational thinking. Since the games are just a representation of how things work in real life, your kids can better understand how to share something in equal parts, thereby giving them their needed mental stimulation.
Motor skills
Fun fraction games can help kids with dyslexia develop fine motor skills. When children are young, they can be a bit clumsy. So, in the process of grasping and maneuvering the pieces in offline fraction games, your kids can develop their muscular strength and brain function.
Math skills
Understanding fractions can help your kids develop a good foundation for mathematics and algebra. Just like decimals and whole numbers, fractions are part of the questions they will face in assignments and tests. They will sharpen existing math skills like subtraction and multiplication by playing fraction games. So, why not give your kids the opportunity to perfect these concepts?
Digital skills
Your kids can play fraction games online using their phones, tablets, computers, etc., at their convenience. In reality, this is a way of giving your kids additional learning time while they have fun with gadgets. Playing these games also improves their digital skills and familiarizes them with computers, apps, and software interfaces.
Free online fraction games
Your child can play offline or online fraction games, depending on their access to digital tools. Some games even have features that enable you to customize what you want your child to play. But the primary benefit of online learning is that you measure your child’s progress by comparing their current results with previous ones. You can change the game’s difficulty to test your child’s ability to tackle more challenging problems with time.
You need not break a bank to get the best fraction games for your child. Many free online fraction games can give your kid the same level of satisfaction as paid games. So why spend money when you can get equally effective free fraction games online? Getting your child free games means you don’t need to worry about renewing subscriptions. So even if you are on a budget, your child can still get the same quality of math education as other kids.
Fraction games online for kids are the ideal software for any parent or math teacher. You shouldn’t settle for less when you can use the quality of the free fraction games to judge what the paid games have to offer. As long as you read reviews from other users and test the games you download, you will find value in fraction games.
Fractions can be quite a challenging subject for both children and adults. Fortunately, the experience can be exciting and fun for students, teachers, and parents with fraction games. Having understood fractions and how students at different grades learn them, you can use this article as a guide when choosing a suitable fraction game for your children.